Bill's Mother

Clara married Bill
because he was a preacher's kid
like she was
it was the sixties
they met and married
in one month

Bill's Mother
bone skinny
back straight
dressed in black and white
for Bill's wedding
she sat in the front pew

(how did the christian man
wring the pink flesh
out of her
did he mortify her flesh
for his vision
fuck her and never come her
how did Bill's father fit
one hand of his
circled her whole waist
all of the children were big)

during the service
Bill's Mother saw
the church windows
were dirty
she'd had no breakfast
she thought that she might faint
junkies played usher
the bride was a hippie
in a mini-dress
the Latin Presbyterian
was so
unlike the Scot
and yet the same

(just before he left home
Bill had said
christianity is rape
she remembered
she understood
she forgot)

Bill's and Clara's fathers
mumbled sacraments
under black mustaches
two white haired
black robed men

outside the South Bronx church
grasses fought mortar
weed trees smelled of sperm
clarity welcomed defeat

after the weddin in the
Cuban Chinese restaurant
Bill's father said to Clara
Bill is your problem now

(that night the venus of Willendorf
came to Bill's mother
in a dream
blonde enormous round fat
venus pressed one breast
into Bill's mother's face
after one breath of hesitation
Bill's mother suckled
the monster breasts in turn
gorged on mamey sweet milk
fat, pink
venus her boundless secret)

Bill's Mother
was Venus full next day
she rode as usual
in a car to church
nobody knew she was now
somebody else
complete and fat
brimming with pink flesh
ascended in fat light

nobody knew she was smiling

after the service
while the Sunday meat roasted
she called her children to her bed
even Bill
even Clara
she apportioned her jewels
for when she was dead

she'd gotten rid of Bill
and she had Venus