I am Marina Arco. I am one of the occupiers of the Palenque encampment in Isla Karaya. Welcome to my webpage! Welcome to my blog, my old writing, my journal, and links to the pages of some friends. I'm proud to be one of thousands on the TODOS website...One day we'll be seven billion but Anacaona hasn't yet gotten all of us to make our page. Read my blog Tracking Ori if you want to know how I came to be living a la intemperie at the age of nearly 60 tracking my Desaparecido husband, and don't have the patience to wade through the full catastrophe of my life. Machi my son says I should change the name to Ori Aparecido because he says we will find him, but it seems like mal de ojo bad luck. Ori's gone two years. We've yet to find him. But if you've got time on your hands and enjoy stories (maybe gossip) I invite you to read bits of my old writings (the few random texts I managed to bring with me on flashdrives). Go ahead and read sections of my old journals from my Burocrazy days...
And don't leave my page without checking out the links to the TODOS pages of some of my friends (Adela, Patria, Noel...)
Machi even made a placeholder page for Ori, because he says Ori won't be Desaparecido much longer and then he'll have plenty of stories to post. Machi says in Palenque he and I have to live as if we're sure we'll find Ori.