About Protestantism notes

second largest xianity: 800-900 million worldwide, 40% of xians
originated with Reformation: 16th c: errors in Roman Cathoic Church (papal supremacy, sacraments)
priesthood of all believers, justification by faith alone rather than good works
Bible highest authority
Germany. Martin Luther Ninetyfive Theses b remission of sin by buying indulgences
name from letter of protestation german lutheran princes in 1529 against condemnation of ML teachings as heretical.
16C Lutheranism spread from Germay to Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finaland, Latvia, Estonia, Iceland
Reformed (Calvinist) denominationsGermany, Hungary, Netherlands, Scotland, Switzerland, France Calvin Huldrych Zwingli, John Knox
Church of England under King Henry Vii Anglicanism, England and Wales into Reformation
Own culture: education, humanities, sciencies, political and social order, economy , arts other fields
denominations adventists, anabaptsits, anglicans, baptists, reformed lutherans Methodists pentecosticals evangelic charismatic
3 branches cathocli, protestant, orthodoxy east and West
called themselves evangelical at first
ML insisted on Xian evangelical
french and swiss word reformed
1517 evangelical
mid 16c used Lutheran to differentia w Philippists and Calvinists
Main Principles
Bible highest authority
Faith alone
(good works a consequence, not a cause)
Universal priesthood of believers
take part in government and public affairs v exclusive priesthood
Trinity: father son holi spirit, Unitarians reject trinity
Five solae: sola scriptura, sola fide, sola gratia Grace alone only not merits of works gift of god
soli deo gloria glory to god alone..

distinct branches in late 16c
early protestants rejected dogma of transubstantiation
Lutherans consecrated bread and wine true bdy and blood of christ
Reformed: sacramental presence
Others: symbol of shared faith
Anglicans not defined, leave a mystery

Earlier tries, 1130s apostolic poverty Arnold de Brescia
1170s Peter Waldo Waldensians heresy
1370s John Wycliffe moning star of reformation rejected papal authority over secularpower translated bible intovernacular Enlgish
15c Jan Hus Hussite movement excommunicated and burned at stake: revolution difeared 5 crusades by Pope
Hussites lots of splits
1475 Tirolamo Savonarola Italian Dominican firar clling for renewal ML read his writings forerunner of doctrice of justification by faith alone

Reformation proper
1571 Oct 31 All Hallows Eve ML nailed 95 Theses Disputaon on the POwer of Indlugences on door of ALl Saints Church in WIttenberg
v purgatory, Later v devotion to virgin mary, intercession of saints, mandatory celibacy, monasticiism, authority of ht pope
Triumph of literacy and new printing press (Gutenberg)
trans bible inot German spread of literacy
1517 religious pamphletrs flooded

after excomm of ML, Calvin writings and work influential consensus among groups in Switzerland, scotland, hungary, germancy
church and state in Geneva Ordinances of 1541
Geneva became unofficial capital of prostestand movement refuse to P exiales
Aslo spread from Germanay to France, (Hugenots) Calvin trained pastors
French had politicl aspect
August 1572 St Bartholomews Dayt massacre RC political party annihilated 30-100k HUghenots across France
Edict of Nantes Henry IV of France promised toleration of protestand minority
until Louis VIV Edict of Fontaineblew revoked edict of nantes RC sole legal religion again
late 17c hughenots fled to England, Netherlands, Prussia, Switzerland Englisha nd Dutch oversreas colonies
remained in Cevennes region of France

{add more on this part}

Post reformation:
Great awakenings
First Great 1730s and 40s Britain and colonies deep personal revelation
Second 1790 baptist andmethodist...reaction v deism and rationalism??

Third 1850s to early 20c
social activism belief in second comingsocial gospel christian science
Fourth great awakening 1960s-70s (not accepted)


Barbara Boring:
Religious fundamentalist appealing worldwide in midst of collapse

alternative pro-human ideology

offer connection, hope, movement toward liberation
oppressive installers of societal distresss
counseled on and thought about
to have attention for present situation
play a role with respect to these institutions

P emerged in response to collapse of feudalism
theological and ideological support to capitalism
body of thought affected by residual distresses from previous oppressive economic systems

used P religious movementes to establish religious institutions supportive of their own power and economic interests (reinforced by genocide, colonization, enslavement)

Began with sectarian split: history marked by factionalism

no single ideology, institution leader
some rational pro human ideas, others distressed perspectives

splinter groups: be "right" more important than be together

unify around rational goals for the society

white protestant chronic patterns dominate, considered normal

no one background is typical

overt anti muslim, anti semitism anti immigrant on rise
factionalism between conservative and liberal protestants



Embarrassment, humiliation, carefulness
denomination, connection to protestantism

embarrassing moments (breaking rules, saying wrong thins, not censoring, sex and bodies, loud children
carefulness and worrying about rules gets in way of our humanity

protestantisme history: humanness and revolutionary spirit connection to capitalism,role installing patterns fit with and support capitalist system as it was newly emerging

Rules not clearly spelled out:
what were rules? how break them?
work hard, be quiet, dont have needs, dont make mistakes, dont have too many feelings, dont get angry, dont play in church
inferred "better" than other people

harshness is a cornerstone
verbal, phuysical, cutting off of physical and emotional contact
harshness internalized: hard on ourselves, our children, others

careful and vigilant to avoid being targeted or ostracized
: hard to show ourselves, sturggles, gifts, wilder sides

patterns leave us feeling lonely and alone: hu b get close by needing help, showing where having a hard time, wildly sharing our joy

believe values, rules, more important than relationships
(eg on time more important than group getting there)

share what loved: sang hymns

discharge carefulness and harshnesswe became more compassionate with each other
tell stories, what it was actually like...

Oppressor role: white ppatterns: right way to be

counselors: gentle w us, encouraged to show struggles, to make mistakes, do things feel wildly uncareful, stop overworking

Marion Ouphuet: loved church black churches
day of rest
religion to fortify selves in a hard harsh world
trouble won't last always, onhe day at a time
he who looks up to god won't look down on any man
enhanced connection, support, thinkingwell about each other
organize life (crop gathering)
founded by formerly enslaved
stories of racism, stories of whites trying to make things right

claim and celebrate religious heritage