
Kathy Martino’s formula for figuring out workshop costs (as understood by Maritza A.)

1. Add costs for:
Room and board (include Friday dinner if purchased)
Leader’s fee
Organizer’s fee
2 scholarships
expenses (snack, supplies)
2. Divide subtotal for the above by 9 (this amount is a projection of what Seattle will get)

3. Add up 1 and 2
These are the constant expenses

4. Divide constant expenses by # of people coming minus 4 (2 scholarships, leader and organizer)

5. That amount is the base cost per person

6. Scale: bottom of the scale can be base cost,
Top: multiply base x 3

7. If having an early fee discount, add 15

7.1. Minus the 15 can be the early fee
8. If having late fee, add 25 late fee