May First meetings

Aaron chair, Pablo, Juange, Damaris?
Alfredo, Jamie, Maritza
Juange apoyo a alcaldesa nueva
Pablo proyecto agua
Agenda: 1. reunion de miembros
webinar session
broadcast and saved kickoff
8 online discussion meetings: what should priorities for org be? notetaker record priorities
general/open (4); other 4 particular topic (recruitment)
community responses to police brut mil surv
fighting econ injustice and alternative econ
migrant freedom
popular exp art free culture
facilitated by 2 lc members
sept 25 and oct 18

what kind of left tech organization needed to attain the goals of given topic
how do we build it? who needs to be in it? how do we reach them? MA proposal
juange agregar tecnologia

Marichu-movimientos pueblos indigenas
Renombre, autoridad politica de izquierda,
idea persona de Mexico: Aristedi???
Luis Hernandez Navarro
Ayama Baraqa
Carlos Facio
Asignar miembros comite direccion en cada taller: via email link to wikipage w dates
2. Economia solidaria