Chapter 11-Life With Ori

Crayon drawing of Cayo Karaya and the City peninsula surrounded by a green Caribbean sea and in Black sharpie, Mi Nacion en la Lucha
After the action, during the party at Rodolfo and Matilde's 20th floor project apartment, Marina stood alone in Rodolfo's daughter's (Maceo's) bedroom staring out the window at the fairy tale vision of the public university below, where she had finished her degree after leaving Wondra. She had never seen the castle like buildings she'd spent so many hours in, from above, lit and shining in the darkness. Ori came and stood beside her. He had been the lead organizer of the Solidarity Day and she could see he was a bit drunk with adrenalin, relief and island rum.
But here was the man who would understand her realization.
She turned to face him. “Struggle is my nation.” He looked at her and waited for her to go on with that intense focused expression that made her believe that to him her thoughts were important. “It was never true that I have no country and belong nowhere.”
Now he nodded. “Struggle is your nation and everyplace is your home.”
He drew her into his arms and they began to dance to the slow bolero they both now heard playing in the other room.