I am from....
Written 06-06-14
I am from
the gleam in my father's eyes
my mother's bowed head
I am from his sermons
her torn vagina
I am from his hope
her rage
I am from
the Tainas
who drowned their babies
The Tainos who hanged themselves
from trees
I am from the Tainos
who fought back
the cimarrones
who ran into the mountains
I am from Marti
with the ball chained to his ankle
Marti lighting uprisings
with his words
Marti riding wounded on his horse
I am from
Albizu in the prison cell
from Marx
on his elbows
thinking as hard as a man can think
I am from the thoughts that save our life
I am from Fidel in La Sierra
Lolita in the Congress
I am from
the clan of the undefeated
the victors
who make the deaths worhwhile
I am
from the inventors of the cachumbambe
of a la rueda rueda
of the rumba and the chachacha
I am
from singing in the dark
I am from the gleam in my father's eye
the smallest of my mother's smiles
I am from all of us
a conspirator of hope