Submitted by thewritingroom on Mon, 2015-10-26 18:22
I am Marina Arco. I am one of the occupiers of the Palenque encampment in Isla Karaya. Welcome to my webpage! Welcome to my blog, my old writing, my journal, and links to the pages of some friends. I'm proud to be one of thousands on the TODOS website...One day we'll be seven billion but Anacaona hasn't yet gotten all of us to make our page. Read my blog Tracking Ori if you want to know how I came to be living a la intemperie at the age of nearly 60 tracking my Desaparecido husband, and don't have the patience to wade through the full catastrophe of my life.
Submitted by thewritingroom on Mon, 2015-11-02 17:30
"Porque me da la gana." Elba Luz took off running. Her long brown braids bounced. In all her life she had never cut her hair, except that Mami cut her bangs. And except the time she'd cut her bangs herself, sitting on a big rock in the patio de atras she wasn't allowed to go to, in the pouring rain. When Mami asked why, Elba Luz explained. "No me gustaba ese pelo de lluvia."
Submitted by thewritingroom on Sat, 2006-07-15 16:44
Gaby ran away, halfway up the stairs leading to the Church school. Nobody was looking at him, all of them crowded around the table with the coffee and cake. They were hungry after the culto. He peered through the railings and saw Pina, his mother, yell at Chino, his father, who was Reverendo or Elpidio to the people in the Church. He could tell she was yelling because her eyes got big, but in the Church courtyard she didn't raise her voice. She'd yell loud when they got home to where they'd moved, far away from the casa pastoral, to a house where nobody from the Church could hear her. Gaby didn't know why it mattered to Mami that Papi had touched Carmencita's arm. Gaby too liked to touch Carmencita's arm when she sat him down on the front pew to draw him pictures on the edges of the program for the culto. She could draw horses and telephones and faces with noses.