Watching life in the big house

Driving in, seeing the tree lined entry road and the out buildings; arriving, pov of the inmate; seeing their shackled hands and feet; already I am crying, outraged
People's lives should not come to this; the criminal is history's serial killer, class society; capitalism. Will we live long enough as a species to get to look back at this time and say, what were we thinking. We are sorry. We will make amends and offer reparations to the descendants of those who were harmed

In 1975 the concept of rehabilitation was abandoned. The prison system concluded nothing worked.
Swastika symbolizes whit

US the most, South AFrica second, Soviet Union 3rd
1.5 million in prison soon, 75% for drug related crimes

Myriad in 30-40-50 people's lives...not informants or stool pigeons...their liars...I don't make up stories about nobody

Paid 22 cents an hour

Office furniture factory 16 hours a day

"I go to war with people"

He's hollering. He's dying.